Visiting IDE Libraries
About the use of the Library of Institute of Developing Economies (IDE)
In accordance with "The Memorandum about Interlibrary Loan between IDE Library and Nagoya University Library", the members (the staffs and students) of Nagoya University are allowed to visit IDE Library and borrow their materials.
- Necessary procedure
1. Fill out an application form for IDE Library and get a confirmation stamp at Reference/Interlibrary Loan Desk
in Nagoya University Central Library.
【Opening Hours: Weekdays 9:00 - 17:00】
2. Submit the above mentioned application form at the service desk in IDE Library, and receive a library card of
IDE Library.
(To be issued on the same day)
【Opening Hours: Weekdays and, the first and the third Saturdays 10:00 - 18:00】
※Student ID card or staff ID card must be presented for above 1. and 2.
※Expiration date of the library card is March 31 of each concerned year. - Borrowing condition
Number of books: 10 books
Loan period: General books (except Reference books and Reference only materials) 30 days
Statistics books (except Reference books and Reference only materials) 14 days - Guide
Guide for NU Members.(in Japanese PDF 2017.5)